United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is a country located just off the coast of mainland Europe. It consists of four countries England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. This corner of the globe is my motherland. So far, I’ve only had the opportunity to explore England but I am dying to head to Scotland where my ancestors still have a castle called Eilean Donan.

Not that you care but, I’m a bit of an ancestry nerd and I’ve traced my family tree all the way back to the 1600s. A bulk of my ancestors called this area home, so I feel extremely connected to it. In fact, according to my DNA profile, my ethnicity is 30% English, 29% Scottish, 7% Welsh, and 7% Irish. The other 27% of my genetic makeup is from Germanic Europe and Sweden.


When I first visited England, it was nowhere on my radar. I was actually planning on heading to Italy and Austria and wound up on the opposite side of the continent. Boy, am I so glad that I ended up in the UK! England felt like home to me. It was so comfortable and weirdly familiar. It wasn’t just the language and culture, it almost felt as though I had been there before. It was a surreal feeling.

While in England, I spent a majority of my time in London. I also had a chance to visit (and fall in love with) the town of Bath. Of course, no trip to England is complete without visiting Stonehenge in Salisbury.

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