Road Trips

When we started our family, people tried to tell us that our traveling days were over.  Naturally, we struck out to prove them wrong.  Sure, traveling with kids can be a bit overwhelming- it requires patience, more flexibility, and tons of planning, but it’s not impossible.  

We started traveling with the kids when they were young.  Their first road trips were 6-hour jaunts from Florida to North Carolina. We also introduce them to some of our favorite things: hiking, visiting historical sites, and exploring museums.  By exposing the kids to them at an early age, they ended up enjoying going to places like these.

5+ years, several states, and even a handful of countries later, we have experienced tons of ups and downs during our travels.  We’ve gotten lost more times than we can count, experienced a terrible stomach bug in a one-bathroom AirBNB where a certain adult had to relieve themself in a diaper since the bathroom was occupied, and had a 6-hour road trip turn into a 9-hour debacle because of a KKK demonstration.  

Not only have we survived all of the challenges that have been thrown our way…but we’ve thrived!  Our experiences have helped our kids become well-adjusted, cultured kiddos.  Their travels have helped them gain background knowledge for many of the things that they have learned/will learn about things in school.

Sure, things have sometimes gotten weird, but along the way, we’ve also had some incredible adventures!  This family travel blog is dedicated to sharing all of those amazing experiences with you.  Our goal is to help you, and your family, create your own core memories through travel.

Our family travel tips come from years of experience…and sometimes learning the hard way.  Through trial and error, we’ve learned what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to family travel.  

Here is some helpful information to help you plan your trip, whether it’s your first family flight, a Caribbean cruise, or a multi-state road trip. Let us help you figure out how to plan your trip, what to pack, and how to keep everyone healthy.

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