Our kids have become road trip experts at 7, 7, and 10 years of age. They’ve been going on long car trips for as long as they can remember. Our standard road trips are about 7 hours long, but they’ve spent as much as 12 hours in the car.
Since they were about 4, they have been responsible for packing their own “Adventure Bags”. Adventure bags are backpacks full of things to keep them occupied while they’re being chauffeured around the country. Here are our kids favorite things to pack for a road trip.
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Smiley's Travel Essentials
Now that our daughter Smiley is 11, her adventure bag looks a little different than it did when she was younger. Before she was all about drawing and coloring while we were in the car, now she’s more into playing games.
The twins are now 7 and are at the age where they are obsessed with video games, but they can also still entertain themselves with things like Wikki Stix, magnetic tiles, and cars.